abril 02, 2014
Hair: [Beusy:] - Lucid Hair (Dark Brown/ Red ponytail)
Necklace: [:: Miss LT] - Allbig mesh necklace - touch to change color
Hand: [TheMeshProject!] - (MeshHand)(f) 'Relaxed'
Blouse: [:: Miss LT] - Achan mesh top jeans 8 colors
Bracelet: [ASO!] - Love Bracelet gold (red)
Rings: [:: Miss LT] - Allforyou mesh earrings
Bag: [:: Miss LT] - Aeleganta mesh bag - red
Short: [Spirit Store] - Paola shorts
Sandal: [:: Miss LT] - Aluria mesh sandals (for the shops feet 'Mid')
Feet: [TheMeshProject!] - (MeshFoot)(f) 'Mid'
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